Posted by: mexicotrip2008 | November 13, 2008

Nov 12-Los Caballos de Lo de Marcos

The inhabitants of Lo de Marcos, especially the men, are proud of their horses.  From what I have been able to determine, it does not appear that these animals are of the working variety, but are more of a status symbol, and for show.   On occasion I have seen men riding horses, cowboy style, through town or along the beach.   They are usually alone when they engage in this activity, so there doesn’t seem to be any competition among horse owners.   There may be fiestas that feature different types of horsemanship, but if there are I am unaware of such events.

The lack of pasture in this jungle setting results in horses being tethered, by a rope around their neck fastened to a fixed object such as a tree or fence post.    It is not unusual to see a horse tied along side a road, where the grass in long and plentiful.   As the animals eat the existing foliage, they are moved along to another spot.   Periodically a horse will escape from its bindings and roam at will, feeding on shrubs, flowers and grasses.    It goes without saying that where there are horses there are also road apples, so one must be ever vigilant when walking about the town.

During my daily walks I have had the opportunity to take some photos of the horses of Lo de Marcos.   I believe these photos are representative to the equine population here.   Hope you enjoy.

Chestnut tethered to utility pole.

Chestnut tethered to utility pole.









Not much grass to eat in this front yard.

Not much grass to eat in this front yard.









Grey stallion enjoyed posing for a photo.

Grey stallion enjoyed posing for a photo.









This horse was tied outside entrance to our trailer park.

This horse was tied outside entrance to our trailer park.

Buckskin foraging in enclosure.

Buckskin foraging in enclosure.

Mare shows off her new foal.

Mare shows off her new foal.

This horse was wandering along calle Las Minitas.

This horse was wandering along calle Las Minitas.

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