Posted by: mexicotrip2008 | November 29, 2008

Nov 28-Strange Swimmers, Horsing Around.

In a post on November 13th, I posted a story about the Cabellos de Lo de Marcos.   This story follows up on that subject.

While sitting on the beach yesterday I noticed two horses come out onto the beach, near the centre of town about one kilometre north of my location.   As the horses walked south towards me, I could see that they were being ridden.

Two horses walking south along the beach.

Two horses walking south along the beach.









As the horses drew closer it became evident that the two Mexican riders were riding bareback. 

Horses being ridden bareback.

Horses being ridden bareback.

As the horses pranced along the beach and passed me I noted that they were both in beautiful condition, well trained, and I wondered if they might have some Arabian in their lineage, by the way they held their head high and proud.
Beautiful horse may have Arabian in him?

Beautiful horse may have Arabian in him?

The riders continued southward towards the south end of the beach, and I wondered to myself where they would go.   All of a sudden, the horses entered the ocean without hesitation.  
Horses wading into the ocean.

Horses wading into the ocean.

I had difficulty believing what I was seeing, so I walked down the beach to where the horses were.   They continued wading into the water until only there backs and heads were exposed.   The riders at this point dismounted and swam next to their horses.
Riders dismounted and swam next to their mounts.

Riders dismounted and swam next to their mounts.

The riders splashed water on the heads of the horses, and the horses didn’t seem to mind, even though the salt water must have stung their eyes.    After several minutes the riders mounted the horses and with a couple of whoops, their mounts headed towards shore on the gallop.
Horses coming to shore after their bath.

Horses coming to shore after their bath.

It was clear by the demeanour of the horses that this was not the first time they had been in the ocean, and they seemed to thoroughly enjoy having a bath.   They headed back the way they had come, passing several swimmers coming out of the water.
Horses heading south passing swimmers.

Horses heading south passing swimmers.

A short distance down the beach there was a group of Mexican tourists seated in the shade.   They yelled something inaudible to the riders as they passed, and immediately the riders turned their horses bringing them to a half in front of the group.   A lady from the group was boosted up on one of the horses, and given a short ride much to the content of the cheering group.  After the horses headed back north and exited the beach at the same location they had entered.
Mexican tourist gets a ride.

Mexican tourist gets a ride.

As mentiond earlier my post of November 13th, I was interested in learning what the Mexicans did with the horses.   This story presents another piece in the puzzle.  

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